
Coffee Book, Hold The Table

Coffee buddy Mark (the dapper fellow in the red beret) introduced me this morning to the works of Ashleigh Brilliant — "[Y]es, that is my real name" — and specifically The Great Car Craze, "How Southern California collided with the motorcar in the 1920's." Now, if only there were an audio version so I could listen while driving.


Lingua Blanca

Caught myself saying this 1/2 an hour ago: "Are you ti-ti, Ty-Ty?" [tired, Tyler] And so he was. A quick sling spin around the block and he's down for a nappy-poo. Yes, that actually has crept into my vocabulary as well. And someone's PhD dissertation needs to hone in on why parents have the irresistible need to call their wee ones "Boo." It's like a biological imperative, even if it does sneak up on you.

All of which begins to explain why now seemed as good a time as any to link to Fast Company's list of archived articles by topic, including work-life balance and parenting. There're some good resources there. If you can find the time to read them.


New New Thangs

Hip hip for Bnoopy, the new Joe Kraus blog. Hooray for SearchEngineWatchBlog, by Danny Sullivan and Gary Price. [Via Searchblog, Scripting] Price points to a NewScientist article on Gmail hacks, featuring Jonathan Hernandez and his Gmail-hosted blog tool, Gallina.


The Jersey Made Me Do It

The Ultimate Build Your Own Cow Page requires no further introduction.


Web 2.0 Workshops

Decisions, decisions. Which would you most like to see blogged?