
Among The Little Known Benefits Of Blogging

The opportunity from time to time to be immortalized in song.


Today's New Blawg Begging The Question. Launched the week before I had my son, which is my feeble justification for not sooner spotting "Milbarge" and "Fitz-Hume" — lawyer-denizens of one of the federal courts of appeals, and the chambers of an administrative law judge, respectively. With titles like "Motion For Life To Stop Sucking: DENIED," these two will blawg far.


Wet And WiFi'd

Send good mojo (and perhaps a generator) to Buzz and Tom as they mop up and wring out.


28 And Counting

To date, Ernie Miller has identified and analyzed at least 28 technologies potentially limited or restricted by the Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act, including credit card companies and TiVo To Go. Spend some time with Hatch's Hit List. Then check out Congressman Boucher's thoughtful post (at Larry Lessig's) and responses to commenters: Induce No More.


Worst Practices, Best Ads

Grant Henninger thinks Wells Fargo holds the title for "Best line in any ad. Ever." He may be right. I just heard the ad that prompted Grant's excitement, and it does rock out loud that Wells has its lemonade-and-free-checking hawking youngster explain, when asked if she can print out statements, "I'm not allowed to use the computer since I got sued for downloading music."

Wells has strong competition though from the Co-Op Network for credit unions, which promises (on its billboard at the 405/110 interchange, and elsewhere) ATMs "Out the Wazoo!"

Out the Wazoo