

New York Lawyer: "In a few years' time, Reed Smith hopes to be the first major law firm staffed entirely by alumni of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of business." [Link added. Disclaimer: I work, er, study there.]


Past Pottery Barn, On The Right

She pulled up next to me in her diesel Mercedes with the bad brakes and confirmed it: I've become someone who looks like she knows where Build-A-Bear is. "Where's Build-A-Bear?" she pressed, without even so much as a good morning. And mind you this was while the stroller and baby were still well concealed in my car.

Thing is: I knew. Made having the kid at the Genius Bar dispatch my phone-syncing glitch in about two seconds somehow even more humiliating.


From Buffet To Bezos To Brin And Page

This seemed like an appropriate thing to point to today, from Fast Company's piece on Jeff Bezos:

"With respect to investors, there's a great Warren Buffettism," [Bezos] says. "You can hold a rock concert and that can be successful, and you can hold a ballet and that can be successful, but don't hold a rock concert and advertise it as a ballet. If you're very clear to the outside world that you're taking a long-term approach, then people can self-select in . . . As Buffett says, you get the shareholders you deserve."


Today's New Blawg

Pittsburgh attorney Anthony Cerminaro writes Bizz Bang Buzz. Anthony just started posting on August 1, but his blog already is full of interesting pointers and analysis focused on business issues affecting technology companies. What's more, Anthony has singlehandedly and considerably broadened the scope of Blogger's "Interests" categories.


Son Of Berkman Audio?

Is there a Berkman Audio site other than the Berkman Audio site? I'm looking in particular for all the excellent talks, presentations, etc., that John Palfrey and Dave Winer point to from time to time. Through some fortunate code glitch, the Weinberger and Rheingold MP3s have been living at the bottom of the Harvard weblog aggregator for a long time, so I finally got around to hearing them. These things are full of provocative ideas (and make tremendous adult company while out with the stroller).

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