
Ready For Your Close-Up

Dave Sifry at AlwaysOn: "As email reinvigorated the art of letter writing, blogging is starting to reinvent the art of civic dialog." CNN agrees. Congratulations Dave, Mary, Kevin, and Technorati! Doc's take: "See that mike? See that camera? You're on."


If Bulwer-Lytton Had A Helpful Hints Category

Nursing moms' late day, double helpings of halvah result in the lactic equivalent of Jolt for babies (did you know there was a gum?), a night of bad (Haunted Mansion; ouch) pay-per-view, a desire to strangle the marketer who first justified a $2-$5 expenditure because it cost "no more than your morning latte," and no reduction whatever in the volume of grandedecafezvanillanonfatdrycaps thereafter to be consumed.

By the way: they tell you to keep breastfeeding for at least a year. They don't tell you what to do about the teeth. (And don't say: Suck it up.)


Lucky Seven

David Gulbransen reads blawgs, and his seven-part look at them for informIT ("We're here to help you learn about anything remotely related to that screen you're staring at right now...") starts here.

[Update:] Blawger2B! (See the comments.) Dave's about to start law school, and writes Preaching to the Perverted.


Hot Honor

And the winners are...


Ernie Orbison, Dennis Dylan, Marty Harrison, Tom Petty