
Attached To It

Among Gmail's many niftinesses is the ability to suss out only those archived emails that have attachments. Quite handy.


Speaking Of Jarndyce And Jarndyce

Brad Stone in Wired ("The Linux Killer"): "SCO has either initiated or is defending itself in seven lawsuits before five judges in four states and two countries. ... These lawsuits have generated thousands of pages of legal briefs at costs that exceeded $3.4 million in the first quarter of 2004 for SCO alone. Hopeful Linux advocates predicted that courts would quickly dismiss SCO's claims. But the lawsuits plod along like horror-flick zombies that won't die."

There's a great sidebar piece about what's being done to document contributions to Linux (though it also notes the lack of documentation is probably part of what's made Linux such a success). And Professor Lessig as usual does not disappoint: "We are cowards in the face of Bill Joy's nightmare."



You've got to hand it to Michael A. Clark at EDDix—"Our mission is to make sense of EDD [electronic data discovery] so you can make the right decisions"—who is big into aggregation, and has cleverly discerned that if he aggregated and reviewed a bunch of blawgers, it certainly couldn't hurt the visibility of his business and his site. Bag and Baggage is tickled to be included in the EDDix 50, and downright flabbergasted to be christened a "must read." Watch the Technorati tally (EDDix home page; the 50) to see how this pans out; I'm predicting well. (I'd say watch the PageRanks too, but since none of us are using IE any more we'll have to wait for Google to grok that first.) And this even though I'm not entirely sure yet what kind of research services EDDix is selling. At this point what I do know is Michael will be pleased to elaborate. (Even if he still hasn't gotten rid of the confounded scrolling ticker thingy.)

I also know that after a few email exchanges about how this was going to work, I was happy to give the thumbs up for EDDix to use portions of the posts here even though it's for commercial purposes. My Creative Commons license says "you may not use this work for commercial purposes," but what that really means is please ask, it might well be ok. I largely share Joi Ito's views about commercial use, but still want the final say-so over who is going to use my work commercially and how they're going to do it.

At this point—three million and counting—I'd say it's officially marketing malpractice to ignore weblogs. Especially because there's probably a thriving bunch of bloggers in any area of interest you could think of.


Infojunkie Screensaver

WebFlash "displays a 'slideshow' of web pages which you select." Looks cool. (And a little familiar. Didn't PointCast have a screensaver mode?)


Global Shrinkage

(Despite title, totally unrelated to this earlier post.) My insurance agent and dear old friend Steve Gonsalves (he has an enormous and utterly charming smile that apparently ducked out for Starbucks just as the shutter snapped) found Bag and Baggage because he reads BoingBoing. (No doubt my accountant reads Fleshbot.)