
Terms Of Service, x2 (#tos)

Courtesy of Professor Lessig and Boing Boing, here's a great resource from Markus Weiland: his comparison of the rights to user data/submissions required by various video hosting sites.  Definitely something to peruse when deciding on a place to put your videos.  Also see Scott Bourne's commentary and interview with me and Brett TroutWhat Does TOS Mean Anyway?

More interesting discussion of terms of service in the modern era is bound to take place at the upcoming E-Commerce Best Practices conference at Stanford Law School on June 12.  This is a deeply wonky annual event I enjoy attending when possible, but this year preschool graduation takes precedence. So, I won't be at Stanford, but I'd love to hear about it during and after the fact if you will be.  Notable sessions include:



Best Practices for Drafting Terms of Use (including Drafting more user-friendly agreements, Class action waivers, arbitration clauses, choice of law and forum, Dealing with overlap in B2B arrangements, and Adapting Terms of Use to open source environments)


User-generated Content (including Copyright liability and the UGC principles, Secondary trademark infringement, Making sense of CDA case law, and International perspectives)

It's good to see "user friendliness" front and center for the Terms of Use session, though it begs the question whether the reference is to comprehensibility, or scope, or both.  This tends to be a very industry-oriented confab.


Watch TWiL Live Monday 5/18, 3:30 PDT On (#twit #twil) 

Next Monday, May 18, this WEEK in LAW will be live on starting at 3:30 p.m. Pacific. You can watch at, or on Stickam or UStream. Chat with us real-time at or on FriendFeed (the Stickam and UStream channels have their own chat as well, but I won't be monitoring those while we're on.)

Guests are Elliot Noss, Eric Goldman, Colette Vogele, and Evan Brown. Discussion notes are being aggregated here (leave a comment here, tag something for:thisweekinlaw in, or @ me on Twitter to suggest more). Lots to talk about!



On Time

Child:  Maybe dodo birds, pteranodons, and dinosaurs will be around in the future.

Parent (Jurassic Park imagery front and center):  Maybe...

Child:  It's a long time ago from now.


I'd Like Mine Styled As The Islands Of Hawaii, Please

mom hair omg

mom hair omg
Originally uploaded by jelene

Have a glorious Mother's Day, whatever your do.


Who Remembers The Caribbean Zone, SF?

Where you could pull up a Martin 404 and stay awhile. Picked up a couple of these on eBay when a similar relic from my cupboard staged an unscheduled crash landing.