This WEEK in LAW: Now Weekly!
The most frequent comment I get about TWiL (besides either "I love it!" or "Who needs Ambien?") is: "Why isn't it weekly?" Starting today, it is. You can catch TWiL at 11:00 a.m. Pacific/1:00 Central/2:00 Eastern on, or on Stickam or UStream. Chat with us real-time at or on FriendFeed. The recorded/podcast version of the show will be available in your favorite podcatcher (such as iTunes) within a few days. More ways to subscribe and listen here.
Today's guests are Colette Vogele, Ernie Svenson, and Evan Brown. (More great upcoming guests — 9/18: Doug Lichtman, 9/25: Gary Reback.) Discussion notes are being aggregated here (leave a comment on this post, tag something for:thisweekinlaw in, or @ me on Twitter to suggest more). Lots to talk about!