
Your Life, In Triplicate

My assistant Adriane must be thrilled I'm out on maternity leave. She also supports George Schiavelli, who is going through the federal judicial confirmation process — just a small amount of paperwork involved. She recently told me George has been flooded with resumes of folks seeking clerkships, and it made me wonder: did Bag and Baggage contribute to the deluge?


Dennis Kennedy Wonders

"Is the idea of the 'Blawger Law Firm,' with the innovation that term implies, all that far-fetched?"



Q: What do you get when babies file share?

A: A pee-er to pee-er network.



Babes In Blogland

Congratulations to Heather Armstrong and Clay Shirky on the arrivals of their little girls Leta and Marina. (And I thought boys were the new black.) To quote Kenneth Branagh, "The world must be peopled!"


Mad World

So here I sit, unwinding the hours of maternity leave, calling my son little nonsense names (the Tidy Bowl Man; Pookie LaRue), singing him little nonsense songs (On Top of Spaghetti; he'll forgive me for all this some day, maybe), and intermittently registering the gravest disgust and sorrow over the existence of things like this (sorry; don't want to be that search result) and poor, sweet little babies who roll down conveyer belts wearing newspapers (in The OC, no less).

I find it hard to tell you

I find it hard to take

When people run in circles it's a very very

Mad world