
Smoke, Drink, Go Shopping (And Weep)

My dad says his favorite cigars right now are La Tradicion Cubana (the Robustos). I'd give you my opinion, but I'm not allowed to sample just yet.

For those likewise foresworn from smoke and alcohol, Malztrunk isn't a bad substitute (and is rumored to be helpful on the "Got Milk?" front).

One Step Ahead Baby has everything but the blastocyst.

Finally, the story of Angel Emery would be heart wrenching under any circumstances, but with all these mommy hormones having free rein in my system it's almost unbearable.


Worth What It Cost

An addendum to Doc's excellent bit of free advice for the Dean campaign. I can't tell from a quick tour down the Dean blog whether anyone there has linked to the growing collection of remixes of the "I have a Scream" speech. [Via Rick Klau] They should.


D'Oh Boy

A closer look at what Dr. Sears has to say reveals my situation probably is not as dire as I thought. (This feels weirdly like diagnosing a computer glitch from the manufacturer's help pages...) One thing I can't get out of my head: flour sack babies.


Silver Linings

Happy Silver Anniversary, CBS Sunday Morning! The weblog of TV news programs.

I was up at 7 a.m. on a Sunday (is that what day it is?) with a touch of mastitis and a (perpetually) hungry little boy — two things that go together like Tabasco and toothpaste. Fit Pregnancy says "You can breastfeed, it's easier than you think." I'll endorse the first part of that sentence.

If you're one of the dozens of people whose emails are stuffing my inbox, or one of the 50 to whom I still owe thank you notes (don't ask how many we've already sent), your patience is greatly appreciated! I don't know why I thought this would get easier fast; it doesn't. My respect for all the new parents I've known in my life has belatedly quadrupled.



For those who think blog and blawg are bad: according to a CNN commentator's usage this morning, "Blackberrying" is now a verb.