
Be Vewy Vewy Quiet—We're Witing Bwiefs

Sorry so quiet around here, I'm more than a little buried this week. Be sure you haven't missed Donna Wentworth's comprehensive post about the Diebold flap, and the latest installment of Howard Bashman's 20 Questions, featuring the 8th Circuit's Richard S. Arnold: "The aspect of the job I like most is that all I have to do is do right. Every day when I come to work and pick up a file, that is my only job. Let right be done."

Also high on my recommendations list at the moment is Chris Lydon's two-part interview with Stirling Newberry. Regardless of whether it's linguistically accurate to use the term "open source politics," Stirling's discussion on the topic has broad implications beyond just politics. Legal institutions of all stripes should be paying attention to these considerations as well.


Dirty Little Details

Techdirt parses the recent Rulemaking as it dealt with Static Control's rejected exemption request, and the subsequent coverage of the Copyright Office's determinations: "Last week, soon after the Copyright Office made their four tiny exemptions to the DMCA, a story started spreading widely saying that the Copyright Office had said it was okay for companies to create chips that circumvent copy protection for use in printer cartridges. [...]" ("Lexmark DMCA Battle Far From Over")


Today's New Blawg

Several law students from the Indiana University School of Law in Indianapolis write Sapere aude ("Dare to be Wise"). There's much to like here: the students are apparently writing under their own names, and are both smart and funny. Nice work, Joshua, Jay, Lawren, Kevin, and Kelly!


New Arrivals

Son of Kos: Ari was born last night, Congratulations!!

Senator and presidential hopeful John Edwards will begin blogging today at Larry Lessig's. The Senator's September 26 appearance on the Bill Maher show was particularly good, and is available in transcript form.


Today's New Blawg

Christopher Cross, a student at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, writes Legal XXX—a play on his name, and unashamed hit bait. Chris has an announcement about a program tomorrow at his school:

DAVID BERNSTEIN AT LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL NOV. 4. The Loyola Law School Chapter of The Federalist Society is proud to present George Mason University School of Law professor David E. Bernstein on November 4, 2003 in Merrifield Hall on the Loyola Law School Campus in Downtown Los Angeles.

Professor Bernstein will be speaking and answering questions about his new book: You Can't Say That! The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws (CATO Institute 2003).

(Links added.) The talk is from 12:15 - 1:00 p.m., and Chris has more details over at his blog. Professor Bernstein now blogs at The Volokh Conspiracy.