
Today's New Blawg

A recent example of the growing popularity of blawgs in Germany is Alexander Hartmann's jurabilis. Alexander finished his studies at Wuerzburg law school and is working on his PhD in Berlin, doing a legal clerkship, and specializing in IP/IT. There's a JuraWiki too.

Jurabilis has an RSS feed as well, and I've been meaning to mention that David Opderbeck also has added a feed.


Mo' Better

Robert Schoenberger of the Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY) is another reporter who apparently read last Tuesday's DMCA Rulemaking and Register's Recommendation before penning his article, "Ruling won't end Lexmark printer flap." He also got Robert Cringely to comment.


Hacking The Vote

Scott Duke Harris, in The Los Angeles Times Magazine ("Ballot Busters"): "If you like politics as usual, suffice it to say vote-trading isn't for you."


Judicial Turmoil In The Philippines

Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr. may be impeached, and Sassy is blogging it (when she is so inclined):

This is not about whether Davide is a good or evil man. This is simply about whether he used the Judiciary Development Fund to purchase luxury cars and to repair justices' vacation homes, contrary to the provisions of the law that created the Fund.

So is Dean Jorge Bocobo, and he has posted the complete Articles of Impeachment:

Since it is the first time a sitting Chief Justice has been impeached under the 1987 Constitution, and only the second after Erap's case to make it trial in the Philippine Senate, it is bound to be historic.

As Howard Bashman has noted, "In addition to blogging, Bocobo writes commentary for The Philippine Daily Inquirer."


They Were Bound To Arrive...

a variety of bibs

Yes, I own this.

upwardly mobile

He knew better.