
Today's New Blawg 'Nuff said?



On September 12 from 8-9 p.m. Eastern, 5-6 p.m. Pacific, TechTV will be airing a special broadcast entitled Music Wars: "musicians, lawyers, industry leaders, record executives, and representatives from groups including the RIAA and the Electronic Frontier Foundation will gather to battle it out at TechTV's studios in San Francisco." This is to be followed by a two hour audience q&a. Looks like one not to miss, and if possible (not for me) one to attend, so check it out.


Blogging The Vote (And The Voting Machine)

Tom Poe is looking for information about direct recording electronic (DRE) voting systems, and specifically copies of certification reports for DRE machines. Wired News sheds some additional light on the subject. Give Tom a shout if you can point him in the right direction.


I Mean The Rodent Comparison In The Best Possible Way...

It has been too long since I've thrown a gratuitous link to residential realtor Hanan Levin of Yorba Linda, CA, and his/his company's Future of Real Estate blog. Why? He's/it's just plain wacky, that's why. Although a new look apparently is in the works, I will be among those mourning the passing of the fuschia background and various flashy things when they perish in the name of more elegant design (which seems all but inevitable). Hanan is a link-ferret (in fact, he might enjoy the Top Seven Ferret Questions), finds the most amazing, off-beat, wonderful stuff (BoingBoing bada-bing!)—all the while keeping readers abreast of his firm's current listings. He's the only Orange County realtor I know who's going to Burning Man next year. Do not miss his/their comprehensive California Recall Election collection, and Ecclectic Links about Orange County (eat your heart out, OC). I'm also inclined to empathize with those who compulsively collect their colleagues' blogs. Hanan, keep those emails coming, you're a delight.



Just when I'm feeling like my stomach dwarfs many a roadside attraction, Halley saves the day and reminds me at this point (almost 27 weeks) my unborn child weighs less than half as much as the fall issue of Vogue. That's a relief!