
In Loco Parentis

Congratulations to Larry Lessig and his wife, and welcome to their adorable son! Chris Locke has a timely suggestion that seemed worth passing along.


Today's New Blawgs

The New York Times: "Of the 135 candidates on the ballot running to replace Governor Gray Davis, scores have Web sites, and at least 14 have started blogs." Here are two not previously mentioned here: Arianna Huffington and Reva Renee Renz. (Note that xrlq, who has been profiling some of the candidates, issues an alliterative alert: "My gut instinct is never to trust any politician whose first and last names start with the same letter. Examples include David Duke, Edwin Edwards, Jesse Jackson, Lyndon LaRouche, and countless others.") Times article via Dave, who along with his aggregators has become my designated reader of that paper.


More Oral Exploits

How Delightful: "While the distinction of being the first appellate judge to mention 'How Appealing' at an oral argument appears to have been claimed, the distinction of being the first judge to mention 'How Appealing' in a published appellate decision remains available." Vegas oddsmakers will have a field day with this one—congratulations Howard!


Womb At The Podium

Baby Howell is back from his/her second prenatal appellate oral argument, and graciously saw fit to bring me along. I think BH was a tiny bit nervous until noticing Judge Wardlaw presides in the same sort of chair Mommy uses at the office. Having spent countless hours perched atop one of these, BH felt right at home.

Perhaps it's the recent sleep deprivation talking, but it occurs to me this clearly is the next revolution in in utero audio. Why settle for ho-hum Mozart when The Supremes and other topical favorites could be rocking your baby's world? I'd start right in on the business plan, but apparently there are laws against this sort of thing.


Ways With Words

Dave Winer, on a new panel added to the BloggerCon lineup, to be moderated by Howard Dean's chief blogger Mathew Gross: "As with everything at BloggerCon, the focus is on users — in this case the users are the electorate of the United States."