

Have you ever worked at a company where unauthorized copies of third party subscription newsletters and alerts were made and distributed? I'm betting you have, and maybe still do. A Maryland district court recently considered such practices on cross motions for summary judgment, in Lowry's Reports, Inc. v. Legg Mason, Inc. (PDF). [Via ILN] The case involves a financial services firm's intra-company distribution of market analyses and news contained in the paid-subscription-only Lowry's Reports. One employee in Legg Mason's research department had a subscription to the reports, which then were disseminated through the firm by way of a "morning call" to all brokers, as well as via email and intranet. The short version of the court's lengthy analysis is that the email sends and intranet postings either did or could be found by a trier of fact to constitute copyright infringement, and that enhanced statutory damages for willful infringement remained a possibility at trial, despite Legg Mason's express company policies against unauthorized and unapproved distribution of third party works. Go have yourself a read, it's a nuanced decision with potentially broadly applicable reasoning and facts, and a detailed analysis of the fair use doctrine in the business context. Lowry's has more about the dispute on its Web site.


Blawgs Of The Mornin' To Ye

Court/Court Staff


  • The Korean and international business lawyers at Aurora Law Offices are writing the Aurora Log. Very nice. [Via the Blawg Ring]


That's it for now; a leap of law students to come.


Brand Not So New

Today's Los Angeles Times business section includes articles by John Healey on the state of Rio Audio, and the AP on Ask Jeeves:

  • Rio Making a Play to Regain Dominance in Portable Music: "[T]he Santa Clara, Calif.-based maker of portable digital music players is spending the next three weeks replacing its entire product line in a bold bid to regain the dominance it squandered during Sonicblue's financial troubles."

  • Where's Jeeves? Web Firm Is Glad You Asked: "Although [Ask Jeeves President Steven] Berkowitz believes Ask Jeeves has built a search engine 'second to none,' it isn't getting much respect on the Internet."

With Napster's comeback scheduled before year end, it's enough to make you double-check the calendar.


Guesting In The Guestroom

It's beginning: the baby's starting to move stuff around and it's not scheduled to make an appearance for another few months. Fortunately, this is not happening in a Linda Blair kind of way, but what has been my home office soon will become the nursery, and before then its roof will get ripped off and a new room (the office-to-be) will be plunked on top. Today I finally got around to moving key office material to the guestroom in anticipation of the pitter-pat of little work boots. There's an adjacent Fibber McGee's closet, full of mostly old tech wreckage, that eventually will have to be cleared out before the arrival of You Know Who. It's mindboggling how the Diamond Rios, Audible Mobile Players, antiquated cell phones, USB cables (why do I have so many USB cables? have they been breeding??), ISDN modems, phone cords, keyboards, docking stations, spare batteries for laptops long gone, ETC., will pile up if you let them. I could/should start a spare parts shop. I don't seem to have busted our connectivity in the process of moving, which of course is Good. Also good will be the chance to build an office that accomodates both lawyers in the family, rather than relegating my husband always to the life of WiFi vagabond.

The weekend brought yet another telltale sign this pregnancy thing is getting real: yesterday, two 65 cm FitBALLS followed me home, one to lounge around on now, one to keep deflated and bring to The Hospital.

Having a FitBALL

Baby Got Back


Now That Is Fast

As long as we're on the subject of word-of-blog:

  • Fast Company now has a staff blog! First entries August 5, and called FC Now. This is nothing short of thrilling. Frequent writing and insights from some of the best, and an unbeatable model for other businesses that also might happen to have a talented writer (or dozens) in their midst.

  • The August issue of the magazine also features an article by FC Now co-blogger Linda Tischler called Buzz Without Bucks. A sample:

As traditional media channels fragment and consumers zap commercials quicker than you can say TiVo, more companies are looking to harness the power of buzz. "Word of mouth has superseded any form of paid advertising, in terms of influence," says Marian Salzman, chief strategy officer at Euro RSCG Worldwide and author of Buzz: Harness the Power of Influence and Create Demand (John Wiley, 2003). Personal recommendations, she says, have become far more reliable and authentic than conventional hype.