
Pop! Goes The Conference

Register for Pop Tech

Politicians (and soft drink manufacturers) aren't the only people experimenting with word-of-blog these days. The folks presenting Pop!Tech 2003 got in touch with me last month to see if I'd be willing to promote the conference on Bag and Baggage:

We think that blogs at their best foster the same kind of conversation the
conference at its best does. And so we're looking for friends who have
blogs and others who may not have heard about the conference yet but might
be willing to participate. There are a few bloggers you may know who have
been involved in PopTech, including Clay Shirky, Kevin Sites, Xeni Jardin,
and Larry Lessig.

If you're interested, this is what we're offering: if you mention the
conference, and post a logo and a short descriptor of the conference
somewhere on the blog site, as a sponsor, we would offer your readers a
registration savings offer and would give you a private url link so that
your readers can click to get the special deal. We'd also put you on our
"blog sponsors" list. As a thank-you for getting the word out to more
like-minded folks, we'll give you a discount as well for each registrant who
comes to us from your blog. If your recommendation brings us 5 registrants,
your seat to the conference would be free.

Ernie, Buzz, David, and many others are serious fans of this event, and one of these years I would love to go. (See: Ernie's conference coverage; Buzz's conference blog; and David's entries as compiled in the 10/24/02 issue of JOHO.) This can't be the year for me however, as I am speaking at Digital ID World 2003, and the dates conflict.

So here's the thing. Well, three things.

  1. If you sign up for Pop!Tech by August 15 by clicking through the graphic here, or using the Pop!Tech links in this post, you will get an additional $200 off the August 15 pre-registration price ($1,495 versus $1,695; after August 15, registration jumps to $1,995). Note that these links take you first to the conference home page; when you go to "Registration" from there you will be directed to a special discount page for Bag and Baggage readers.

  2. If five people actually register from Bag and Baggage, resulting in a complimentary registration, Pop!Tech says I can give it away. I'll ask for readers to nominate themselves or others as the beneficiary.

  3. Let's not forget Digital ID World 2003! Last year was amazing (here's the aggregator of real-time coverage to refresh your memory), this year will be even better. It too has an early registration discount (before August 30, $1,295; after August 30, $1,495), and again—I can get you an even better deal! If you're interested in joining us in Denver, please email me.

Thanks. Hope to see you in Denver, and let's try to send someone to Camden.



Dear Archives and Permalinks:

Please come back soon. I promise better sodas and snacks.


—The Management


Worth Not Waiting For

I'm on a blawgroll these last few days. These are too good to save for another big update, so here's a skinny-mini:


  • Paul Martin is MP for LaSalle-Émard in Montreal, Quebec. [Via, and more from, Dave Winer, who has word Mr. Martin "will likely become Canada's next Prime Minister (some pollsters report he has the support of about 80% of the delegates)."]


  • William J. Dyer has Texas-sized rations of charm, humor, and wit to spare—and I've never even met the guy. Go read, you'll see what I mean.

  • George Wallace has fired up a blog on "on California Insurance and Professional Liability Law (and other legal topics)." George's A Fool in the Forest also is still going strong.


  • Jerry Lawson too has multiplied his blogging outlets and launched the eLawyer Blog. (What's with all this productivity, people? It can't all be due to the siren song of back-to-school advertising.)

Stay Tuned



Missed this the first time around:'s list of weblog resources, a companion to Anne Stuart's July Blogging for Business article.


(Cries Out For A Follow-Up Ode To Vincent?)

HEEEheeehooohaaaachortlekneeslapgetaholdofyourselfandjustpostalink! — Blogistan Pie, by Christian Crumlish. (Thanks, Shelley.)

Bonus link (from Christian's "year ago today" sidebar for the above masterwork): Davezilla's Top 20 Blogger Insults.