
This One's For Walter...

...and this week, for guest blogger Ted. Karen Robinson-Jacobs has an article in today's Los Angeles Times called "Lawyers Putting Their Weight Behind Obesity Cases." A *taste*:

Last week, behind closed doors, veteran attorneys of the tobacco wars taught a class on how to attack what they say is the nation's latest health affliction: fast food.

The session at Northeastern University was as secretive as McDonald's has been about the special sauce on a Big Mac.

Thanks too to Ernie—who I'm guessing is already putting Chris Pirillo's law books feed to good use—for the write up on Walter's new book.


Is That Frost On Beelzebub's Moustache?

My husband just sent me SMS. (This from the guy who made me explain again last night why he should right-click things.) I felt certain I'd first experience fully realized cold fusion.


Happy Non-Independence Day!

Marketing Fix is now Up2Speed, having been purchased ("yes, we sold out") by ClickZ co-founder Andy Bourland. I think this kind of LBO (leveraged blog out) is what I had in mind back in April last year, when James Miller was writing about blogging from an economist's view. "Signing up" need not mean "selling out," and Rick Bruner's honest-to-god press release about the post-purchase relaunch (and shameless begging for Slashdottage) seems like proof positive: "[P]aragraph transitions are hard" —etc. Rivaled only by the genius of Ms. Sessum and her progeny...

While you're at it, be sure to check out Up2Speed Contributing Editor Steve Hall's excellent Adrants, as well as Chief of Product Marketing Olivier Travers at Web Voice, and Contributing Editor Robert Loch at Viral Planet.


Finer Qualifications, And References, Are Difficult To Come By (LazyBlawg)

Lileks: "my wife was sacked."

[A]nyone need a lawyer? Three years Department of Justice in DC, eight years Assistant Attorney General for the State of Minnesota. Smart as they come, rigorous and diligent, astonishingly hardworking, and a you-can-turn-the-world-on-with-your-smile smile that makes Mary Tyler Moore look like exhibit A at a dental convention's "Crones and Gingivitis" seminar.

[Thanks Kevin, for the heads up.]


Knowing Judge Goodwin Has Changed Jack's Life

Read about it, at Jack Bog's Blog. A happy eightieth birthday to Judge Alfred T. (Ted) Goodwin!