

Fall in love with a Bullfighter. And the fact that it comes from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. (Ahem: OS X, please!) [via The Screen Savers] Great FAQ too, e.g.:

Q: Does Deloitte own the Bullfighter name?

Yes. We registered it, at least. The paperwork was started last year. Don't ask.


The Little Beastie

Just back from the ultrasound appointment. 17 weeks along as of tomorrow and all is well. The baby's right on target as far as size, and already has picked up some of mommy's yoga—(s)he treated us to some surprisingly accomplished plough-like postures. The genetic counseling was thankfully benign. Some family history discussion (during which we did rule out, I hope, the possibility that hubby and I are related), some pictures of chromosomes. No Franken-babies. Thanks to Janell Grenier for sending along this great little script that puts an automatic update about where things are in the pregancy on your site. You have to be able to use PHP to run it and I don't think that's me, but I pass it along because it's a neat doohicky.

We used a different examining room and machine today than we did for my last ultrasound, and unfortunately this time the quality of the picture printouts stank. But just so you get the idea of what things look like at this stage,

Our Bundle of Joy

Our Bundle of Joy


Coming Up Orange, Part I

There have been some interesting Orange County, CA weblog developments recently. Here's one:

Real estate, commercial and otherwise, has been a critical part of the local economy for quite some time. There's a group of local realtors ("The Great Team") who have been maintaining a quirky and informative Web site (Grow-A-Brain), and now they have a blog in the same tradition. It's called The Future of Real Estate, and it deftly interweaves the authors' interest and expertise in real estate topics with their appreciation of cuisine, travel, current events, local color, ETC. This is a nice example of how a business-related blog need not be dry and soulless. Of course, they also link to their main business site and their current listings. (Wow, check out the architechture on 10102 Sunrise Lane, North Tustin. Neoclassical meets postmodern in the California sun, with a little hint of Japan thrown in for good measure; see the arch, left front.)


Röll 'Em

Martin Röll, on where blogging is heading, in an interview with Eamonn Fitzgerald: "In three years, Six Apart will buy Google and go public. ;-)"


Nike Gets No Break On Commercial Free Speech Grounds

Per the U.S. Supreme Court's per curiam dismissal today, the California Supreme Court's Kasky v. Nike, Inc. opinion will stand. A link to the opinion and some other thoughts are in my April 30 post, and discussions of the U.S. Supreme Court's (non)action are available from John Maltbie, Howard Bashman and the SCOTUSBlog.