
East Trenders

Labour MP for West Bromwich East Tom Watson, in an interview yesterday with Lance Knobel: "There will be dozens of MPs blogging by the next election. I'm getting readers of mine contacting their MPs, asking why they don't start a blog."

Meanwhile, another Tom charts a related news cycle.


Prop 209 Applies In California, Despite Yesterday's Affirmative Action Decisions 

From the Berkeley Daily Planet:

While the court ruled Monday that colleges may consider race in admissions, it did not require the practice. So in California, public institutions like the University of California and California State University will remain subject to the voter-approved Proposition 209, which bans affirmative action in public admissions and hiring.

Private institutions like Stanford University, which are not subject to Proposition 209, will be allowed to continue with admissions policies that weigh race as one of many factors.

From the Chicago Tribune:

Asserting that California's 1996 initiative banning affirmative action as it applies to university admissions is now unconstitutional, some Hispanic lawmakers in the state Assembly said Tuesday that they are discussing whether to create a ballot measure that would reintroduce the practice of taking race into account in college admissions.


Give 'Em Shelter

Just was wondering if there was a 401(k) blog. Doesn't look like it. There is the entertaining and informative Tax Observer that launched earlier this year, but ?? —no updates since February. Bonus link: Mad Kane's "owed."


Clackety YACCS And Other Stuff

So, I see the migration to Dano has munged up my comments. Working on it.

[Update]: All unmunged, comment away.

Lunch today with blawger and office building co-dweller Mike O'Sullivan.

Want them. (Got to be a way to link those iChat AV/iSight features to a blog interface, wouldn't you think?)

John Healey and the L.A. Times have more today on Altnet/Streamwaves plans to offer an industry-sanctioned, for-pay service on Kazaa. ("Streamwaves Aims to Get Kazaa Users to Pay;" earlier post.)


Next Stop:  Gattaca?

As my pregnancy percolates, I'm amazed to learn how much genetic testing has become part of the normal course of prenatal affairs. (At least for those who have attained my wizened state; could be worse, I s'pose.) Lil' BH (Baby Howell) thus far has been nuchal translucencied and AFP'd. Against its mom's better judgment (and certainly against its dad's, who gets bonus points for joining in these festivities), BH's parents will undergo some ominous sounding genetic counseling later this week. (Cue Michael Nyman.) The only silver lining involved is another ultrasound, and front row (in my case, horizontal) seats for some more amazing feats of tight-quarters aqua ballet.