
It's Later Than I Think

I must remember to ask Jason Shellen if there's a way to tweak the Blogger time stamp feature for specific posts. I don't want to shift the whole blog to EDT just because I'm here for a few days. Speaking of Jason, I've been cracking up at his comments about answering lunch-line tech support questions for all the blogging Googlers. He promises more about their internal version of Blogger, Blogger in Google (B.I.G.), at this very conference.


Plane Reading

Spotted in transit—

From Inc. Magazine:

"Blogging for Dollars:" "Blogs have long been popular with mopey teens looking to share their angst and political pundits eager for an online soapbox. But they are increasingly being put to commercial use by entrepreneurs."

"What's Next: Don't Get Brobecked:" "[D]o what you should have done all along—manage your lawyer the way you manage any supplier relationship, something few companies without in-house counsel ever do." And (imagine my delight at 30,000 feet) this, and more, from Rick Klau: "Many firms had their best year ever in 2001 or even 2002, despite the recession, but that is just because the legal business is slower to be affected by the economy. Even after client businesses sour, there is still plenty of legal work to be done cleaning up the mess. But eventually that work is finished and if the economy doesn't pick up, then the lawyers are in trouble."

From Newsweek:

Speaking of Rick, he was the first person to turn me on to Howard Dean last summer. Now Newsweek says of the candidate, "Dean's insurgency may falter, but he's already made history: the first Web-launched candidate to go mainstream in the era of BlackBerry and Bluetooth." ("Spinning a New Web.")

I didn't read the whole flight, spent most of it cleaning up D notes, actually. Will have Semel, Brin, Page, Leonsis and Cuban posted as soon as I rip through some room service.


Greetings From Boston

Hotel View

Unless they've changed things around considerably since my last visit, that's the Charles.


Blogs, Business, Boston And Bombay

Read (heard) this in Fast Company yesterday ("Is Your Company up to Speed?," June 2003):

Most companies have lost their zeal for tech-driven transformation. But fast companies keep the faith. They believe that the Internet remains the most powerful laboratory for business experimentation ever. It transforms how people work together, how companies interact with customers, and the economics of entire industries. There is nothing more disruptive today than an original strategic insight fueled by a savvy application of computers and communication.

Seemed an appropriate backdrop against which again to mention that the ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies Conference & Expo will take place next Monday and Tuesday in Boston. If you're in the neighborhood, please join us for dinner Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m., The Bombay Club, Cambridge. Attire? It's tough to go wrong with a classic t-shirt and red boots.


"The Mother of all Babble"

Oh, this is good. [via Donna] And although you probably don't need me to tell you that this also is good, in a much less dripping with irony sort of way, I'm telling you anyway.