
D: 'flexive

Wired News is covering David Hornik's and my coverage of D: All Things Digital. ("Gag Rules? Bloggers Report Anyway," via Dave.) And now I'm covering Wired News. I fear we're going to need some astrophysical intervention here sometime soon...

Some thoughts and observations. To begin with, I appreciate Walt Mossberg's comments. Richard Saul Wurman also said something I've been thinking about all of the interviews I heard: speakers of this order are too intelligent, sophisticated and cognizant of their corporate responsibilities (where applicable) to disclose confidential information to an assembled conference crowd. As Wurman put it, "These aren't the kind of people who spill the beans. It's an artificial restriction." There's something else I haven't seen mentioned yet: non-journalists were charged (a bunch) to attend. Now, I have no idea what the conference's press pass policy was, but I'm assuming those who attended on one—and agreed to the associated terms—were exempted from registration fees. In other words, as we lawyers might say, there was consideration given for the reporting ground rules imposed on the professional journalists attending as such. And perhaps not just financial consideration. As Wurman also pointed out, some conferences are off limits to the press altogether. As a final note, it pains me to have been one of those seemingly testy people who couldn't be reached by a reporter for comment. Turns out this is the price one can pay for an agressively-set spam filter.

I have been pretty busy this week (and the baby seems to want me to sleep a lot), but my next installment of notes from the conference is forthcoming and will cover the interviews with Terry Semel, Sergey Brin and Larry Page.


Eye On Redmond

Michael Gartenberg, in the new Microsoft Monitor Weblog: "As part of the launch of our Microsoft research service, we have also created this companion weblog to focus on Microsoft news, insight and analysis on a daily basis." Here's the related press release. Note too that all the Jupiter Research weblogs now have easy to find permalinks. (Not true yet of the new Microsoft Monitor blog, where it looks like you still need to access the archives to get a post's permanent URI. Update: no longer an issue, thanks Michael!)



Harvey Kirkpatrick presents "a blog/rss feed directory organized by topic that is a companion to"


There They Go Again

John Healey with the Los Angeles Times has a definite way with words ("Record Labels Again Sue Creators of Morpheus Service"):

Like frustrated prosecutors charging an acquitted crime boss with tax evasion, the major record labels are suing the creators of the Morpheus file-sharing network again—not over the software that millions of people use to copy billions of songs for free but over a service that never launched.

I also love this bit from Mark Radcliffe: "The legal term for this is 'forum shopping...'" (you must imagine air quotes for the proper effect).


Look Out For Low Flying Mortars

Boalt Hall's online slideshow from commencement features one of my favorite professors (now Interim Dean) and one of our incoming Los Angeles office associates.