

Dominican University's Graduate School of Library and Information Science in River Forest, IL offers a course on Internet Fundamentals and Design, LIS 753:

An introduction to the fundamentals of the Internet, including its origins, evolution, architecture, current issues, and future. Students will gain a basic understanding about Web content languages, Web site management, and design/usability principles. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of telecommunications and networking with examples drawn from the Internet. Critical Internet issues such as search engine limitations, security, privacy, copyright, governance, and other related topics will also be discussed.

It appears tomorrow they'll be looking at some weblogs. (Greetings and welcome, folks. Looks like an ecclectic mix of sites you're visiting. A little Technorati told me.)

[Update] Steven Cohen links to the blog of an Iowa University LIS class from Summer 2001. Great example of students sharing class-related material in a lively and convenient manner. Seems markedly better than than those binders full of outlines I used to break my back carting around. (Yeah, I'm aware there's a dark side. Ain't there always?)


Perish The Cite

A bill currently pending in California legislature, AB 1165, would alter California law to permit the citation of unpublished appellate opinions. (Existing California law provides that unpublished opinions "shall not be cited or relied on by a court or a party in any other action or proceeding.") Last week, AB 1165 failed to pass committee. I serve on the Appellate Courts Committee of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and the Committee now has posted a number of materials related to the issue.


An Appellate Expotition For Pooh And Friends

A federal judge in Los Angeles on Friday denied a bid by the granddaughter of Winnie the Pooh creator A.A. Milne to reclaim the copyright to the classic children's books, dealing a setback to Milne's partner, The Walt Disney Co. . . . Disney attorney Daniel Petrocelli planned to appeal the case . . . to settle the question of whether a contract could supersede federal law.

[via Forbes/Reuters; more from Google News] Judge Florence-Marie Cooper made this determination, which hopefully will be posted at the Central District's site.


One From Column A...

In D.C. Saturday, May 17? Catch Jerry Lawson on Web Logs (Blogs) and XML: Toys or Tools for Business?, from 1:00-3:15 p.m. at the Cleveland Park Library.

