
Knock Knock. Who's There? Rights. Rights Who? Rights Management...

From Steve Ballmer's Executive E-mail on DRM:

We're excited about partnering with a wide range of content owners, authors and industry vendors on these crucial technologies, particularly as broadband continues to expand the opportunities for delivering digital media content worldwide, and as rights management is recognized by businesses large and small as an opportunity to protect copyrights, confidentiality and personal privacy while promoting innovation, creating opportunity and empowering customers.

(Thanks, Gary. Now cut it out, you're scaring me.)


Doing Elvis Proud: Grass Roots Super-DMCA Opposition In Tennessee

Tennessee Digital Freedom Network

Tony Campbell of the Tennessee Digital Freedom Network joined us on the phone from Nashville. He talked about bills in the state congress that restrict how you can use your Internet connection. If you live in Tennessee, visit the website to learn how you can participate. Also, read the EFF line-by-line analysis of the MPAA model bill.

From tonight's The Screen Savers.


Things You Can Learn At An Office Baby Shower

That baby food flavors include squash and prune...that John Lennon posthumously markets a prodigious line of baby products...

Finger Puppets

Ducky in the Sky


Cool New Tools

For searching legal weblogs and linking cross-blog references. (Thanks, Kevin and Ernie, for pointing these out!)


A Long Strange Trip

He's a longtime correspondent on health and science policy for The New York Times. In his new book, Protecting America's Health: the FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation, he chronicles the history of the Food and Drug Administration from its start during the administration of Teddy Roosevelt.

That's NPR's Fresh Air on Philip Hilts, whose new book was published in March. In his interview Hilts touched on a number of interesting historical developments we may not think much about today, such as the shift to the present prescription drug system. Hilts also has chronicled tobacco's legal battles: Smoke Screen: The Truth Behind the Tobacco-Industry Cover-Up.