
Head Candy

I can't actually remember a time when I thought, "Y'know, I just don't have enough to read." If you should find yourself in that happy circumstance, however, this might help: The Popular Science Book List. Currently featured: Sync, by Steven Strogatz.


Om, Sweet Om

Paul Coggins, on Yoga for Lawyers: "There's really no need to describe the cobra position, as it's the pose lawyers naturally settle into." (Link serenely added.)


More Judges, More Circuits?

These articles from the Recorder and ABA Journal eReport, respectively, complement each other well:

  • "9th Circuit Tops New-Judge Wish List, Biggest and busiest court would get seven of 11 new circuit seats:" "The Catch-22 is that with additional help comes additional pressure to break up the circuit."
  • "Splitting The Ninth, Two Senators Propose Creation of 12th Circuit:" "Many attorneys who practice in the region say the court works fine the way it is."


Coding With Care

Dave Winer: "I've never programmed on the campus of a law school (is that legal?)"


In The Beginning, There Was The Price

"[W]hen humans first took stylus to wet clay, the first thing that they were compelled to record was . . . prices." (Charles Fishman, in Fast Company.) Those prices and other cultural artifacts were written down on tablets by the ancient Sumerians, who used to live right about where all the troops are. (Small wonder there's hostility toward the place; some say that's where law as we know it got its start.) You can pick up one of these tablets on eBay if you are so inclined, but best to think twice: "Bidding at auction for that tantalizing tablet puts you at risk of trafficking in hot antiquities." [via Salon]