
Gladly Pay You Tuesday

Things I need to pay more attention to later, but that doesn't mean you should delay:



My firm lost a treasured colleague and friend to pancreatic cancer on Friday. Memorial services for Ben Paik were held yesterday afternoon, and the outpouring of grief, fondness and respect for this amazing young man was overwhelming. To help combat the swift and deadly disease that has robbed us of Ben (and so many others), please visit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). To help celebrate and memorialize Ben's affection for his undergraduate alma mater, the University of California, Berkeley, and its students, the Ben Paik '92 Memorial Alunmi Scholarship has been established. Donations payable to the California Alumni Association (address) are being accepted, and should reference the Ben Paik '92 Memorial Alunmi Scholarship.

It's impossible to believe I no longer will have the privilege of recruiting with Ben, or savoring all the little joys of his friendship like agonizing for the twelfth dozen time over the optimal specs of his home computer system. His death has shocked and shaken us all.

Benjamin Michael Paik

Benjamin Michael Paik


New Blawgs On The Block

[All via the Blawg Ring] Also, two more Truckstops for your pie and parking pleasure: the ChessLaw blawg directory and JURIST blawgdex (blawgroll of The Paper Chase).


Hot Dog

Frank Paynter: "My dad invented the wiener tunnel."


"Lose The Browser, Keep The Blog"

So says Leo Laporte in recommending RSS to Screen Savers viewers, and in particular aggregator applications NetNewsWire (Mac) and NewsDesk (Windows). Among other things, Leo explains why RSS is not PointCast, and links to UserLand's and Web Reference's definitions of RSS.

(I say put the aggregator in the browser, but that's a segment for another day.)