

Blogger should get bonus Corporate Weblog Manifesto points for its Status Blog, and an entry last week from Steve Jenson:

Good Guy Hacker Adrian Lamo got ahold of us a few weeks ago to let us know of a few security holes he found. We checked through the logs and none of them appear to have been used before Adrian found them. We have fixed the security issues and Blogger is better for it. Adrian rocks for not only finding the problem but also for letting us know about them so other people won't be affected. Thank you, Adrian.

Note how Blogger's discussion diffuses the sensationalism or panic that might otherwise go along with a story headlined "Security holes found in Google's Blogger." [via TVC Alert]


FareChase Injunction Briefing

The operative petition, briefs and temporary injunction order in the American Airlines, Inc. v. FareChase, Inc. matter discussed below are as follows (all are PDFs):

American Airlines


Determination of Donald J. Cosby, Presiding Judge


Web Fare Injunction

We represent FareChase in connection with the dispute described in this Star-Telegram article. The EFF has the injunction, signed last Saturday, available on its site. As my colleague Morgan Tovey put it, "At [American Airlines]'s request, the court has, by this order, created a new property right not only for AA but for all large companies with Internet Web sites: the right to monopolize forever public information." Alex Macgillvray has some additional thoughts.


Down To Business

The ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Conference & Expo is coming up in June: "[T]he first business-oriented forum to address the recent emergence of Weblogs into the business world and their rising importance as a medium of communication." Thanks to Robert Scoble for the pointer. The David score is high (Winer, check; Weinberger, check), but to really shine the conference would do well to showcase Robert's dead-on Corporate Weblog Manifesto (read it three times, then read the link cosmos), and Chris Pirillo's related insights: "We 'allow' Winer to promote Radio UserLand, and Null to promote his latest book—but that's only because they talk to us. They engage us. B-Blogs do exist, but I'd like to believe they exist because their owners have a passion for their subject matter burning deep inside of them."

It would be easy but unwise to start down the road of public institutional blogging without deciding these are words to live by. Eric Norlin highlights Source ID, etc., as examples of intelligent business blog life forms. [Update] And Nick Denton emphasizes the contrapositive: "Remind me to shoot myself." [via Hylton]


A Round Tuit

Finally got around to reading David Goldman's incisive interview with Mark Webbink, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Red Hat. Open source, shared source, DRM and more. (Note too that David has a topic devoted exclusively to blawgs and blawging.)