

Michael O'Connor Clarke has posted what may be the most [insert extravagant hyperbole of your choice here] law firm retainer letter typo yet witnessed. (Nope, Snopes doesn't list this as fake.) [via Gary Turner]


Video Releases

Thanks, Lisa Rein, for posting video of Professor Lessig's SXSW presentation. SXSW has more conference video, including Dr. Weinberger's opening remarks.


Sticky Mickey

Lately debarked the The Spirit of Disneyland after a brief trip to the Bay Area for some work and some fun. (Do try to book a forward seat on "The Happiest Plane on Earth," unless the song stylings of Julie Andrews on A Spoonful of Sugar are a particular favorite.)

Spirit of Disneyland

Much masking tape was harmed in the painting of this plane.


Chattel Battle

The Intel v. Hamidi case pending before the California Supreme Court has been set for oral argument on April 2 at 9:00 a.m. in Los Angeles. In this case, the Court will determine whether unsolicited email can constitute an enjoinable trespass to chattels. (More on this, from the EFF.)

Related links:


It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A Blawg!

A few blawgs, comin' in low and fast:

  • Fred is a government lawyer in Washington, D.C., and thus a Bureaucrat by Day. He offers a congenial blend of political, legal and social commentary, not to mention Gong Show references. What's not to like?
  • Matt will start law school this fall, and can hold the door for me any time.
  • Adam Starr is in Atlanta, also waiting on law school admissions results and quite understandably thinking about judicial confirmations and beer in the meantime.
  • Michael of Buffalo Wings & Vodka launched said blog with a truly great inaugural post: "I accidentally got into law school. More later."
  • The blogger at Ambivalent Ambroglio is a bit of a Mac geek and soon-to-be law student, possibly at American University: Washington College of Law.
  • S/R of So Sue Me is a law school applicant, and clever.
  • Matt Stucky too is waiting for law school results, and dreaming of Italy.

There's quite a passel of future blogging law students out there . . . [The foregoing via the Blawg Ring, one another's blogs and JD2B.]