
Give Us Your Orders, Do

Mike Daisey's 21 Dog Years: Doing Time At offers plenty of wit and wisdom about modern workplaces in general, couched in the author's anecdotes about Earth's Biggest Bookstore Earth's Biggest Selection [insert slogan of the moment here]. The Audible version, read by Daisey and unabridged, takes full advantage of the author's comic timing. Among the many workaday challenges described is how an employee might wrest any portion of of his or her paycheck from the company, given the inexorable lure of same-day order delivery -- to one's desk.

Warning: Will likely prompt loud public guffaws if taken aurally.
Yet Another Warning: If you click the Amazon link to purchase Daisey's book, you may learn that customers who shopped for the item "also wear clean underwear" from the Gap as part of Amazon's new apparel store promotion. And thus do the postmodern shards splinter infinitely into the distance...


Save Lawyers, Guns And Money

No need to send in the specialists, I'm back, wondering if Silent Blogging isn't the way to go (with guest vocals by Joan Baez?) given the plethora of visitors who've dropped by in my absence, and having a good laugh over this (A Discreet Bullhorn, The American Lawyer). In tribute, please meet Bag and Baggage's new, highly unofficial but much adored mascot.


Command Performance

My father-in-law is having one of those milestone birthdays (the big 6-0) and I'll be gone this week to help celebrate. Fortunately for you, my departure coincides nicely with Donna's return. Ernie not only has been writing good stuff lately, but does it all the time. (And I'm not just saying this because he actually owns my dad's novel.) Howard's on fire, and it's coming on winter so go enjoy the heat. Speaking of winter, you'd better get over to boingboing too; it's the ultimate spot for finding swank holiday gifts.

Otherwise, I have a hard time with recommendations or favorites, as the entire right hand side of this this page links you to intelligent, creative, artistic, thought provoking and/or miscreant individuals. Turn off the TV.* They've got the stuff. If you're in the U.S., vote, and since you're reading this you might want to check here and here before you do. See you 'round the 11th.

* You have my permission to watch Larry Lessig's appearance on Tech TV's Big Thinkers. Most of the program centers on Eldred-related issues (context please! is the set for real or pure atmosphere?), and there's a witty kick at the end. Ok, you can watch Scott Adams as well, but then it's lights out.


Thesis 95

"We are waking up and linking to each other. We are watching. But we are not waiting." [The Cluetrain Manifesto]


Nice Touches

If you ever find yourself orchestrating a big law firm merger:

(1) Do have all hands meetings with the two firms' charismatic managing partners (note to self: remind Kurt when it's time for new head shots that the over-the-shoulder jacket look might present -- how to put this delicately -- an undue hazard to the lactose intolerant), and include film clips like Bill Murray's exuberant "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" and John Belushi's uncompromising "LET'S DO IT!"

(2) Do emphasize the importance of things like mutual respect and integrity.

(3) Do endow a new Boalt Hall scholarship that will give a full ride to disadvantaged students in the name of Crosby luminary and longtime trial ad instructor Ed Heafey.

These are just isolated examples of the many things being done right here. Bet you're not surprised I'm tickled to see it.