
Wired On The News

Go read Kendra Mayfield's article in Wired News about the interesting Halloween Howard Bashman had. "It does show a new method of feedback, and more feedback is better than less."

Thanks too to Howard for the link to Lewis & Clark Law School's Professor Jack Bogdanski who writes Jack Bog's Blog, directs the tax law program, and pays attention to the really groundbreaking decisions in his jurisdiction (no permalink I'm afraid, but see his 11/01/02 post).

Also, I'd like to introduce you to my cool nephew Adam (hey, these things go both ways) and his blog In re. Adam's a IL at the Washburn University School of Law and is taking full advantage of the school's ubiquitous WiFi to share his thoughts with the world. No small distinction, he's also the Blawg Ring's 50th member.


Good Intentions Never Good Enough

Here are two articles about the Reed Smith/Crosby merger, one from The East Bay Business Times (according to which I now have a "posse," which is great because let's face it, who hasn't always wanted one?), and one from the Philadelphia Business Journal.
[update] More merger stories, in The Oakland Tribune, The San Mateo County Times and

The title of this post (borrowed from a classic Motels tune and album) refers to the fact I briefly considered making a WeatherPixie collage commemorating all the various offices of the new firm. However, it quickly became clear I have far too little time and there are far too many locations. I'm hoping you can muddle through with London.

--Later: Well, I just couldn't resist running the Googlisms for the firms. Here's Crosby Heafey and Reed Smith (which seems to have some brand overlap with Paul Reed Smith Guitars -- either that or the firm is really into rock-n-roll).

The WeatherPixie


Maybe My Surprise Meter Needs Adjustment?

I was pleased, of course, to learn that Fifth Circuit Judge Jerry Smith corrected an opinion based on an astute catch by appellate practitioner and turbocharged blawger Howard Bashman. But surprised? Naah, I guess I just assume everyone involved in appellate jurisprudence reads Howard's blog at least as assiduously as I do. If they don't, they should... ;-)

--Footnote to post about footnote: Isn't this precisely how the Web is supposed to work? "Blogs: We Bring Cluetrain To Life."


It's Official

Crosby Heafey and Reed Smith have agreed to tie the knot. Come January 1, with close to 1,000 lawyers we will be Pretty Durn Big Law. More about new colleagues across the country and The Pond is here.


"I wish I'd thought of dressing as a blue screen of death."
