
A Fall Cornucopia Of Blawg Articles

Rick Klau has a fun and informative article -- and I'm not just saying that because he plugs yours truly and some of her faves ;-) -- in the October edition of Law Technology News (registration required to access all the following links), entitled How I Learned to Love the Blog, in which he continues to explore the importance of weblogs for law firms. Rick also provides a handy Blogs Sidebar. In fact, the issue is a big legal weblogging fest, with Guy Alvarez offering To Blog or Not..., and -- hi there! -- something I originally posted to The Technolawyer Community, called What You Need to Know about Blogs.


Roundly Entertaining

Matt Round, author/designer of the wonderful Malevole blog (shortlisted in yesterday's Guardian roundup of best British weblogs, which I link to with trepidation in light of a glaring omission; via Dave Winer) has a Tribute To Ray Harryhausen that is a scream (pun intended). Well worth your time and bandwidth!


Can I Have An ASCII Of That?

The more I see this kind of Herculean effort [JD Lasica, When Bloggers Commit Journalism; yes, I know this is a column, not a blog entry] -- and those of, e.g., Doc, Donna and Dan, as well as my own carpally minacious outings -- the more I think we're in for an intersection between the world of weblogging and the world of court reporting. Which is not to say good blogging consists of regurgitating who said what at an event. But the significance of the fact these tools let anyone "report" firsthand on limited or closed proceedings that may be of interest to whole swaths of people who cannot attend should not be ignored.


As The DID Turns

Says JD Lasica, of a conversation with Doc at Digital Hollywood:

Monday night, at a party on the rooftop of the Beverly Hilton, I asked Doc to explain his support for the Digital ID initiative now taking hold in high-tech circles. I went in expecting to oppose the idea, for privacy reasons, and Doc turned me around 180 degrees on the issue. He'll be a speaker at Digital ID World in Denver on Oct. 9-11.
My talks with people on the subject have been similarly wide-ranging; this conference is going to be fascinating (despite the fact I'm also on the roster).


But -- Will She Blog?

Here's The Harvard Crimson on future law student and newly crowned Miss America, Erika Harold.