
No Bots Allowed?

There's a good Wall Street Journal article by Phyllis Plitch from 9/16 on the trespass to chattels doctrine (subs. req.), and specifically about Bargain Network and its dispute with Homestore, settled earlier this year. Don't forget to keep an eye on Intel v. Hamidi for the California Supreme Court's take on related issues in the context of unsolicited email.


Conference: "What Every Entertainment Attorney Needs to Know About I.P."

"On Saturday, October 26, the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Section (IPELS) of the Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA), in cooperation with Southwestern [University School Of Law]’s National Entertainment and Media Law Institute, will host a day-long conference on “The Big Picture: What Every Entertainment Attorney Needs to Know About IP.” The event will take place at Southwestern from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Bullocks Wilshire building." Speakers include Louis Meisinger, Disney General Counsel, and Mark Wooster, Senior V.P. of Litigation for Universal Pictures. More here [LACBA] and here [Southwestern].


As The Gary Turns

Just give yourself some time to appreciate Gary Turner's recent offerings. And speaking of well-deserved appreciation, please donate to wood s lot, via Euan Semple. [Via Dr. Weinberger]


"I Think He Came From Outer Space."

There's a wonderful article in today's Los Angeles Times (here and here -- the second is the printer-friendly version) about Larry Lessig and Eldred v. Ashcroft. It includes observations from James Boyle, Judge Posner and Patricia Lessig (Larry's mom; see quote above), among others, and provides a good complement to the Steven Levy piece in Wired.


Had to take this code out of the template 'cause it was making the site too damn slow. Anyone else having this problem?