
When Kids Usurp Your Brain...

Bi-Curious George
Originally uploaded by Earthman

...you entertain yourself at the book store wondering what sort of pun people must have had with "Bi-Curious George." There are at least three bands, a slang term, merch, satire ("That scene with the ether was a big mistake...."), photoshoppery (and yet more photoshoppery), video, art, etc...

(It's always comforting to learn one's thought crimes have such wide and varied company.)


You Might Anticipate A Visit From Child Protective Services If...

Running Shoes
Originally uploaded by timtak

You register your 3-year-old in in a 5K. (Bonus points if you actually expect him to run it.)


Your iPod's My iPod If You Don't Listen Up...

Hysterical. (Just in case you missed it on Jumping Monkeys.)


My Son Has Eaten My Life

But that's ok — he now does all the pedaling.

Giant halfwheeler


Putting The Crickets Back In The Woods

I just fired up the iTunes ringtone editor for the first time, and am filled with relief that I may begin the slow and no doubt difficult process of disassociating the sounds of the wilderness with the sound of a ringing phone. "Here it Goes Again" seems a much better fit, or a groovin' bit of electronica.