

I love co-TWiT Megan Morrone's show, and the current one with Joan Blades is fantastic. Check out MomsRising: an organization whose time has definitely come. (If any law firms large or small are supporting MomsRising, I'd love to hear about it.) Co-founder Joan Blades also blogs regularly at the Huffington Post.


Yet Another Reason To Love Newport Beach, CA

Pair of boy's khaki shorts, size 2T: $189.00 (U.S.)

Text alternative

Spotted at all the rage BABY



When you think about it, it's downright thoughtful of NBC and Apple to make such a concerted effort to make sure TiVo sticks around a bit longer.


September Events I Wish I Could Attend

...but can't, so if you do: blog 'em.

  • The Ninth Circuit Media Conference: covering, among other things, Secrecy and the Courts; Cameras in the Courtroom; and Bloggers: The New Journalism.

  • I can't believe that for the second year in a row I have to miss the Singularity Summit. (Though I just subscribed to the podcasts.) Last year I said the event was "guaranteed to be the 21st century's legal-yet-every-bit-as-mind-altering alternative to a day spent tripping on acid." From what I heard it didn't disappoint.

  • the Lab with Leo 100th Episode party in Vancouver (which will no doubt be mind-altering as well, though I'm less sanguine about "legal" ;)).

  • Federated Media's Conversational Marketing Summit.

But I'm not complaining too much, since I'll be at TechCrunch20 (blogging) and the Podcast and New Media Expo (speaking). If anyone attending either one knows of good child care alternatives, or wants to brainstorm about same, ping me.


Sound Up: With The ABA Journal's Ed Adams

Ed Adams, Editor and Publisher of the ABA Journal, was kind enough to do an episode of Sound Policy with me just as the Journal's new site was launching. I was particularly interested in the issues faced by a traditional publication when it embraces the Web in a wholehearted, interactive way. Ed explains. The new site features a staff of ABA bloggers (enabling the Journal to monitor and riff on current stories such as Nixon Loses in 'Winner' Song Spat), a blawg directory, and more.