
Blog Benificence

"'How Appealing' has now done its first official good deed for verbose appellate lawyers," by sparking a discussion at WordPerfect Universe and the posting of a technique that lets WordPerfect users be just as wordy in their appellate briefs as their colleagues using Word. (In federal court - and now in California too - appellate briefs may only be so many words long, and counting by hand went out with Bob Cratchit.) I checked out the fix and was relieved, for a change, to be using a Microsoft product!



Got a chance to see UR-Law in action the other day, in connection with a very large document production. Sure beats a warehouse full of boxes - in about a million ways.


Betamaxing The DVRs

Donna Wentworth has a good discussion underway about the rhetoric of non-infringing use. Start here, then go here for Frank Field's response and here for Ernest Miller's. "Stare Decisis" should also be a strong term and principle as courts consider dvr functionality.


Seizing The Patent Office

Stephan Kinsella offers commentary about the USPTO's new strategic plan.


Rich Flavors

If there has been one over-arching theme in my quest to know others, it has been, and I so hate this word, diversity. My whole life I've shunned the ordinary, the regular, the expected. I've sought out people from all walks of life, friends of all flavors. I am very much richer for that view, for that way of being.

From Faith, whose blog reflects her philosophy. And there's more.