

And just what do you think I was treated to on my drive home? Geoffrey Nunberg discussing legal constructions of "prurience:"

I have an image of Larry Flynt stopping passers-by to ask their opinion of the latest number of Hustler: "What do you think? Not too prurient, is it?"
[Via NPR's Fresh Air] ("Just too much to describe," says Chuck.)


Now This Is Cool

When the Crone thinks you're cool, you get a free pass to the magic.


Just Plain Neat; Just Plain Crummy

Another techie law firm insider begins to blog interesting thoughts about knowledge management: Joy London and Excited Utterances: "In 'excited utterances'--my favorite exception to the hearsay rule--I'll most likely focus on the sociological and psychological side of implementing KM at places like BigLaw. Stay tuned . . ." [Via Genie Tyburski, Ernie The Attorney and Christopher Smith] Because Genie pointed to Joy, I will have to forgive her for also pointing to the downer of the day: the fact that Hotmail soon will begin charging for pop mail retrieval. Grrr.


Somebody Stop Him Before It's Too Late!

Tom Shugart's on deck too.


And Gary Says...

"A great conversation and a wonderful idea, interviews conducted on email and then blogged when complete. I wonder when someone will get round to interviewing Frank?" He also likens Frank's writing to that of an inveterate madman; I would simply add one should not forget the economy-sized dog.