
U.S. Supreme Court: The Coloring Book Version

I'm going to have to order this, just to check out the illustrations. Since the subjects of the coloring books around our house ordinarily are pictured underwater, in treetops, or flying through the air somehow, it will be interesting to see how they've chosen to situate the Justices:

Supreme Court Coloring Book

U.S. Supreme Court Coloring Book, from the ABA

Ross E. Davies, Editor-in-Chief of The Green Bag, is quoted on the ABA site as saying, "This book represents a fun but respectful step in the right direction" (i.e., toward greater education about the Court). Fun but respectful? Perhaps Ross has never seen a toddler color — not to mention most 9-year olds...

Can't get enough law-related coloring? Well, who could blame you?


Nonaggression, Packed

Sam For Peace 2
Originally uploaded by ahcrosman

Tyler has a responsibility chart we complete at the end of each day, and he gets to add a circle to the chart for things like brushing his teeth, helping out, etc. The one we inevitably save for last is "Be Nice," which by itself was worth the price of the chart. It makes him think throughout the day (well, once or twice) about what he can do to ensure we'll let him get that circle. Something has gone seriously awry (potentially involving EMTs) when Tyler doesn't get his "Be Nice" circle.

So tonight we're velcroing the circles to his chart. We get to "Be Nice."

Me: Who were you nice to at school today?

Tyler: I was sitting in a chair waiting for you, and there was a boy next to me with some garbage in his mouth.

Me: How was that nice?

Tyler: I didn't hit him.

(Cue choir of celebratory angels; release the doves.)



I haven't decided whether it's the professional world that prepares us for raising children, or raising children that hones us for the professional world. On a project-by-project, event-by-event basis, both require:

  • meticulous preparation, planning, and attention to detail,
  • the flexibility to alter the plan on a split-second's notice or formulate an entirely new one, and
  • the ability not just to anticipate but revel in and practically demand the unexpected.

While these traits can help us "get ahead" in the professional arena, in the parenting one they are a matter of sheer, nailbiting survival. So, you do the math.


Go Diego Gone

Asha Dornfest: "Elmo and Dora have been hit pretty hard."


American Lawyer Magazine Free, On Your iPhone

You heard me. Plus a number of other great publications. Via CrunchGear: is offering over 20 free magazines to iPhone users, all wrapped up in a glorious interface programmed specifically for the device. Each magazine is shown in its entirety and the service doesn’t require any special software or plugins to view.

All this goodness is free while the digital magazine interface is in beta. No word yet on pricing after the beta period ends.

Texterity Press Release

Direct iPhone Link