
Belle, Tolling

Belle Lettre responds (compellingly) to Lisa Belkin on "opting back in" to the workplace after taking time off for children: "[J]ust because a few elite firms are changing their policies, or just because there is a 'many' or 'most' shift in public opinion about work/life balance doesn't mean that there's really a change coming. I hope there is one. But I'll believe it when I see it--or rather, the empirical data and a pro-worker amended statute." Read the whole thing. There is much there to chew on, primarily concerning Belkin's related '03 "Opting Out" piece and a rigorous response thereto by Catherine Albiston.

Bonus links: Law Students Building a Better Legal Profession seek to leverage their considerable bargaining power; see You Say You Want a Big-Law Revolution.


Posting From Behind

Just now getting a chance to post the slides from the keynote I gave last week at the Portland Communicator's Conference. Portland seems like a great place, I wish I could have spent more time. Thanks for all the help and company Sandra, and best of luck with the we-ness.


'We found 572 photos matching hddvd'

We were geared up to discuss this and other topics today on TWiL, but had to reschedule to next week due to Skype peevishness on my end. (Do they update that software, like, six times a day?) But among the links we've been swapping around is this one from Colette: a Flickr search for all things hddvd. (I particularly like the no-copy cat.)


The Family That Blogs Together

Someone at Mother's Day Central pointed me toward this well done post outlining everything you need to know to give Mom a gift that does indeed keep on giving: Give Mom the Gift of Blogging for Mother’s Day. (Someone else pointed out to me that giving Mom her own blog might just convince her once and for all that those Neiman Marcus cookie recipes and assortments of precocious children should go there rather than in your inbox.)


Clued Bay Area Web Developer Wanted

More like, "desperately needed." If you are, or know, any talented Web developers in the S.F. Bay Area who might be interested in a position implementing Web strategy for the Administrative Office of the Courts (responsible for the entire Web presence of the California Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal, among other things), please consider this job listing. Pay range is from roughly $6,400 - $8,400/month, with benefits, 401K, retirement plan, etc. The California Judicial Council is lining up resources for a major Web redesign, and could use some expert and extraordinarily clueful assistance.