
Into Things More Happy Than Blue

Tyler and I hit Disneyland yesterday for a last annual pass visit before the summer crowds and blackout days descend. The Nemo subs are tantalizingly on display and ready to go — but not yet open.

(Speaking of Gordon Lightfoot, was tuning out and tuning in to some of his dulcet tones and wondering if anyone's out there blogging about hammered dulcimers. Well duh.)


Couldn't Be Happening To A Nicer Blawger

Wow...I don't ever recall Mike Arrington being wrong on a call of such magnitude (quite the contrary), so I'm going to go ahead and say congratulations Rick Klau and colleagues! Hope to see it officially confirmed shortly.


Because 'Padded Cell' Was Taken?

I got a press release recently announcing that American Lawyer Media has launched a National Law Journal-branded blog called Legal Pad L.A., which seems mostly about the mind-numbing subject of shifts, moves, etc. between law firms. *Yawn.* None of which explains why they've pilfered the name of their other more established and more interesting Cal Law Legal Pad blog. I don't get it. Google won't either.

I'm Legal shirt


Among The Things You Might Not Know As A First Time Parent

Kids actually gobble more time as they (and you) get older. It's all good, but I don't believe those prone to writing about "opting back in" and "onramping" take that sufficiently into account.


Mommy Wars Media Created?

At the very least media aggravated, or so says E.F. Graff on a recent episode of On The Media, in her Columbia Journalism Review piece The Opt-Out Myth, and in The Mommy War Machine at The Washington Post.