
A-Blogging He Will Go

Mazyar Hedayat aims to cover the ABA TechShow, and is looking for support:

i've been at the ABA Legal Technology Show (techshow) for 8 years as a visitor, a speaker, an exhibitor — and this year will be no exception. yet many who could benefit from attending will not be able to for one reason or another. that's where blogging techshow 2007 comes in. . . .

i'm looking for sponsors who can help send me to the show as well as attendees who would like to help blog the show. . . .


Damned Good

Colin Samuels gives divine Blawg Review, give yourself lots of time to take it in.


Stuck For Holiday Gifts?

I've been adding lots of likely suspects to my StyleFeed, you just might find some inspiration.



I've been getting chills each of the last three nights, reading Tyler's current favorite little holiday book about a mouse whose truck gets stuck in the snow trying to deliver candy to Santa. Marty mouse spells out S.O.S. in candy canes and hopes for Santa to spot him from the sleigh...

Given the location and situation, I guess the terrible news about James Kim was all but inevitable. I didn't know him personally, but feel like I did, having watched his soft-spoken reports for years on TechTV. You could just tell what a sweet person he was.

It's impossible not to keep replaying imaginary versions of the family's experience in one's head, and equally impossible not to have enormous admiration for the physical and emotional fortitude of wife Kati, who reportedly kept both her daughters — seven months and four years — alive for a week in the snow with breast milk, burning car tires, and god knows what else. Imagine what a Mom would likely have on hand in the way of sustenance for such a trip: a tupperware bowl of Cheerios perhaps, some Dum-Dum suckers? She and James pulled off a miracle keeping those girls safe and well. I hope Kati can hold on to that and draw yet more strength from it in the days ahead.


The Lucas Line

It occurred to me last night, watching Star Wars Episode II on cable, that perhaps the most salient generational distinction between my son and myself is that he is likely to first take in the Star Wars saga in a chronologically linear way, as opposed to seeing the last three first, then jumping back to the prequels. I wonder if there are any post-doctoral studies about the long-term psychological effects of the one viewing method versus the other. (And one can only imagine the referential schism caused by splicing in the ghostly image of the young Anakin at the end of Return of the Jedi in place of the doughy-headed reformed Vader.)