
IM A Lawyer

Bob Ambrogi and Nicole Black highlight a wonderful thought piece appearing in the Texas State Bar's Appellate Advocate, about what the world will be like when IM-speak commandeers legal briefs and appellate opinions. I hav cn d futR & it txtz.


St. Nickapple

As someone who is inherently non-crafty, I'm inordinately proud of having co-authored this little fellow.

St. Nick, in Apple form


Greetings From...?

The last few weeks have been annoyingly all-consuming with the holiday(s) and domestic servitude goddesshood. (In other words, I've become the diameteric opposite of a potential family responsibilities plaintiff.) I'm really hoping to have a life again soon. Did manage to see Kirby Dick's fantastic 'This Film Is Not Yet Rated' last night, thank you so much Cory for the invitation and instigation to get out of the house. Be sure to keep an eye out for the movie on IFC and Netflix. If nothing else, it'll cinch who you'll call the next time you require Los Angeles area private investigative services.


Tired But Still Smiling

There's really only one reason to go to tech confabs, and that's to meet people like Thomas Hawk. Here's his snap of me from the Web 2.2 party. I love this one of Steve Gillmor, too.


Listenin' Lawge

Robert Ambrogi rounded up some of his favorite legal 'casts to speed along Thanksgiving and other holiday travel (thanks for including TWiL, Bob!). People frequently ask me for legal podcast recommendations, and Bob has included many of my favorites; you can cull more from here. I regularly suggest Out-Law's podcast, which is highly informative (if far too scripted).