
Law School Baby Boom

W-o-w, this is fascinating. From The Recorder, read the whole thing:

Young people, mindful of the realities of working in the legal profession, are taking advantage of the perks of academia. At the top of the list are class schedules that can be arranged to leave mornings and afternoons free for day care drop-offs and pick-ups, and the option to take up to a full academic year off without missing a beat on return.

It's not without sacrifice, the students say, but in the professional world, their lifestyles are an exception rather than the rule. As firms lose attorneys for whom the balance between professional and personal is a priority, student parents are finding ways to have it all with as little compromise as possible.

(Also, I missed this earlier Legal Pad report from the San Francisco Bar Association's work-life balance event.)



Blawg Review #84, from Jennifer Clare Burke at Transcending Gender, is really good.


New New Jason

I'm really looking forward to whatever Jason Calacanis does next, and wish him happiness and fun in pursuing it.


Next Time Someone Asks You To Define Irony

Tell them it's what occurs when, at the precise moment you're spot cleaning your carpet, your son proceeds to leave deposits from a stealth poopy diaper on another, unobserved quadrant of said carpet.


Follow The ZDNet Blog Network By Tag

Steve Rubel recently had a great post on how you can Follow the Weblogs, Inc. Blog Network by Tag — in other words, find posts on a certain topic from bloggers spanning the whole network. It's a too-little known fact that you can do this to some extent with the ZDNet bloggers (of which I am one) as well. With that, I give you the ZDNet aggregation pages/tags for:

(Amazing how many of those have a legal thrust and/or twist to them.)