Entries in contact (1)


A Cure For Mysophobia: Procreation

cars are just reflective surfaces

Originally uploaded by eyeliam

Mike Arrington and Jason Calacanis, I've always thought both of you would make terrific dads so here's another reason to keep forging ahead: your fear of germs will rapidly be reduced to mere background noise. Spend some time mopping half-chewed pizza off a filthy restaurant floor, jubilant the whole time your kid hocked it out instead of turning blue... Live the Carrie-like aftermath of your pediatrician's directive to "induce diarrhea..."

I'd go on but don't want to spoil too many dinners. Suffice to say powerful hand sanitizer comes in discreet enough sizes to be ever close by, and your immune system can hande way more than you thought possible. Plus, pandemics aside, social touching is good. It connects people and reminds them there's life beyond and behind our (albeit medieval) Qwerty keyboards.  XXXOOO  ;)