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News And Olds

Many law students are back at it after winter break, and JCA is one of them. I've never met JCA (hope to), but know already she's a gifted writer, an incisive thinker and that she has a true passion for the law. Those things are going to take her far, but in the meantime she's got to survive law school. That can be about as fun as being handed SPAMMY the Pig as anasthetic and being asked to undergo a three year root canal, followed hard by the systematic extraction of every wisdom tooth under similar conditions (a.k.a. the Bar). I am confident she will prevail, but she might enjoy hearing that from you, too.

On her quite excellent weblog, JCA points to several of her fellow law students I had not previously encountered in my own travels. They and others join the blawgroll here today.

The Hose Monster knows how to put law school exams in their place. [via JCA]

Jeremy Blachman is at Hahvahd Yahd, and pretty damn funny. (I actually did number 9 on his list of "10 more" things not to do on the night before an exam. The story, and its happy ending, support my hypothesis that law school grades are governed largely by chaos theory.) [via JCA]

Jennifer is a 1L at Lewis & Clark, and this places her in some fine company. [via JCA]

Jerry Lawson started the brand new year with a brand new blog, Netlawtools, which seeks to help legal professionals use the Internet more efficiently. [via TVC Alert]

Stuart Levine is a Maryland tax and business lawyer. [via TVC Alert]

laborblog is the product of an Atlanta-based lawyer specializing in labor-management relations. [via The Blawg Ring]

Nerdlaw.org popped up in my referrals, and how could you not love a site for "Nerds At Heart?"

Last but far from least, I'm thrilled to see Sabrina Pacifici's beautiful new Movable Type blog, beSpacific, has been outed. (That is, if you indeed were ready to "fire," Sabrina! Even if not, the blog is more than worthy of prime time, IMHO.)

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