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Smart Thoughts From Evan

Evan Schaeffer weighs in on Blogger's Legal Defense:

Here's what my lawyer friends and I concluded: In the right set of circumstances—for example, matching contributions by AmLaw 250 defense firms, as well as offers of pro bono assistance from large firms when an in-the-right blogger really can't afford help—we would be willing to invest time and money into starting an organization that would serve as a clearinghouse to get threats into the hands of lawyers who would be prepared to deal with them.


In the meantime, someone has got to come up with a better name for this effort than the "Blogger Legal Defense Society."? It's a poor name for a number of reasons.? Why not a name that would emphasize the big issues for which the organization would stand—something along the lines of "Right to Comment" or "People's Voice"?

Also please see my comment to Evan's post. I didn't mean to imply this isn't a big deal issue, to me it certainly is, that's why I'm yacking about it. My point is there are lots of worthy causes out there and only a limited universe of pro bono resources. If bloggers are to get effective pro bono help I think it will be important to have a good means of getting like-minded people together, as well as mechanisms that streamline participation. Hence my dedicated clinic idea. Evan's clearinghouse thought is an excellent one.

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