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Handy Bits Of Nothing

A Posed Thought
Originally uploaded by jgmphotography

Things you might need to know:

  • Tae Kwon Do uniform patches go on just as well with Krazy Glue as with thread (and seem to even endure the washing machine)
  • Don't believe what this tells you; you can't take even one of them; trust me
  • As a society, we are obsessed, to a level I had not realized was possible, with what our kids will do during the summer
  • ABC News now routinely briefs bloggers via email about stories that are soon to air on the network
  • 40 is the new Zero in Inbox Zero
  • Aquarium biofilters that you're never supposed to replace can indeed get infected with nastiness and kill your fish
  • Telling a child to stop something is the surest way to ensure he'll do it again (this knowledge can be used both defensively and offensively)
  • What handy bits of nothing have you learned recently?

And something that's certainly not nothing: Doc is in the hospital and I join so many others in wishing him a speedy and full recovery.

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