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A Modest Proposal For Immodest Amounts Of Mail

No Junk mail
Originally uploaded by catspyjamasnz

I've been on a campaign this year to wipe out our junk mail. I've opted out at the DMA. I've opted out of prescreened offers of credit and insurance. I've done Catalog Choice.org. Since all this seemed to have little effect, I've now set aside 15 minutes a day to call each and every outfit sending us junk mail and insist that they stop; if they're going to waste my time and fill up my garbage can (and our landfills), I'm going to tie up their service reps on matters having nothing to do with sales.

It occurs to me that if everyone did this, it might have a real impact. So the next time you're going to throw out your junk mail, ask yourself if you have a few minutes to call whoever sent it and tell them to stop. If enough people start visiting their phones before their garbage cans, it's the senders, for a change, who will find themselves knee deep in something they didn't ask for.

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