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The Hazards Of Being My Kid

My son — who is six — and I were watching TWiT 266 tonight while I was making dinner. Leo came to the ad for TWiT network sponsor Carbonite Pro, and my son's eyes lit up.

Child: Mom! They're talking about Carbonite!

Parent: Yes, they're a cool company that's a sponsor on our network. We use them to back up our computers and keep our stuff safe.

Child: [pauses] ...Do they have a license from George Lucas??

Parent: Good question!

(Turns out they don't need one. But you never know.)

Reader Comments (2)

Great blog post, it's cute and made me laugh. Your son is very perceptive.

September 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEddy Ray

They may not need one, but George Lucas is relentless in pursuing those he feels infringes on his terminology. Can't use terms like Jedi, or lightsaber....

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMattman

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