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The Modern World

Flying Car

Flying Car
Originally uploaded by Abhishek Awasthi

Child: It would be fun to live in a house on the water, you could have a diving board where you could jump into the ocean.

Parent: Maybe someday when you're older you can live in one.

Child: But those houses won't be there then, it'll be the Modern World.

Parent: What will the Modern World be like?

Child: There will be hovercraft cars that don't run on gasoline, floating homes, houses with rockets coming out of them...

Parent: Anything else?

Child: Well, maybe the houses would stay the same, there'll just be new cars.

Parent: Hovercraft cars?

Child: And podracers. But they won't run on gasoline. They'll run on futuristicky stuff.

Parent: Looking forward to it.

Reader Comments (2)

I think "Doing Futuristicky Stuff" should be the new motto of the Large Hadron Collider.

September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRuss Barrett

Haha, all the same things we used to think as kids. The only thing we seemed to have advance in is gadgets and the net.

September 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

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