
Tank You

It's been one of the wettest winters on record in California, but that doesn't mean summer's not on its way. Though I'm far too old to shop there (and you probably are too), the best women's tank tops, bar none, are at Hollister. You're welcome.


Heightened Reality

Did you have any idea that children can grow to be over 36 inches tall in a little over two years? (Hint: if you're anywhere near six feet tall, that's more than half your height). At this rate, my son and I will be eye to eye by the time he's four, and he'll need special breathing apparatus by eight ('cause the air up there will be beginning to thin...).


No Fool Like An Old Fool

Referring of course to the posts (yes, three days is "old" in the blogosphere), not their author George Wallace, who did a terrific job on Blawg Review #51 earlier this week, and its April Fool prequel over the weekend.



My colleague and patent infringement guru Scott Baker jokes to the folks at Legal Pad that he's moving to Hollywood, having had a blast recently appearing on CNBC to discuss the RIM-Blackberry/NTP settlement. Wish I'd had advance TiVo notice! Scintillating as I know Scott was, this particular On The Money clip doesn't appear to have hit YouTube.


Aggregation As Art