
Top O' The Week To Ye


Bloglaw Pics

A few photos from last night's excellent event at Chapman. (Only the delightful and whip-smart Tim Sandefur dressed appropriately for the occasion.) Also, here's the NeXus Journal's blog. (Among the headlines that have not yet scrolled off the front page: "11th Circuit's Abuzz With Sex Toy Litigation"...)


Cory Even Dreams Clever

"He's engaged in unfair business practices!"

Go download Cory Doctorow's 3-part podcast of his story Nimby and the D-Hopper.


Links O' The Day

Technorati search results for Quattrone; tag re same.

Technorati search results for Google Finance; tag re same; Valleywag re same.

Ian Best blogs Howard Bashman's speech at OSU.


Plugging Along

A new episode of Sound Policy is available. Thanks so much to Dan Gillmor for taking the time to chat.

And Hugh Hewitt has a great post in connection with our upcoming "Blogoshpere and the Law" panel, happening this Thursday evening at Chapman University Law School (in connection with its NeXus Journal, which Hugh edits):

I think the reason lawyers have flocked to blogging is because of the very decline Epstein pointed to [read Hugh's whole post], and that among the country's hundreds of thousands of lawyers — approximately 600,000 all told — are those who are attempting to redeem their careers via the public engagement that blogging allows while fulfilling the deep desire to write in the manner that briefs and law review articles will not permit because of their rules.

Should be a fun event, please come if you're in the area; as Hugh says, "[b]oth lawyer and non-lawyer bloggers are encouraged to attend and live blog" to their hearts' content.

[Update]: While you're over at Hugh's, be sure to check out Mary Katharine Ham's funny and thought provoking post about being a political conservative at SXSW: "[T]hey were visibly surprised I was there, but pretty friendly for the most part — even if they did look at me like a zoo exhibit. ..." (I might experience something like this in reverse at our panel, which is co-sponsored by the Federalist Society.)