
Lawsuits In Training

Two sites that are ticking people off enough to provoke litigation; in both instances, I think the sites probably have the upper hand:, which warns of those with cheating hearts; don't miss its blog.

Gawker's Stalker, mashed up with Google Maps; posts real-time sightings from readers and is angering celebs.

Interesting: both via CNN (from the busy, busy "Web Gone Wild" desk?), and both examples (some might say bastard stepchildren?) of aggregated citizen media.


Six Things With Great Names

Bald in the Land of Big Hair. ("At first blush, a lighthearted romp through the horrors of chemotherapy seems like a stretch. ...")

Commando Intimates; Low Beams; Takeouts; Cleavage Cupcakes. (No further elaboration necessary.)

More Than 85 Broads. ("Janet Hanson, the founder of 85 Broads, speaks candidly about what it really takes for you to succeed as a businesswoman today." [link added]) Chief Broad Janet Hanson is doing a book signing at Reed Smith's Los Angeles office next Wednesday, March 22, from 2-3 p.m. PST. If you're interested in coming let me know.


Sieve Like A Brain

A particularly good issue of The Filter came out yesterday.


Sound Investment

Matt Marshall: "[] Podtech's Furrier is simply a guy doing podcasts." And getting $5.5 million in Series A funding. Congratulations John, well deserved, keep up the great work!


MPAA Chief at ShoWest has this transcript of remarks from MPAA Chairman and CEO Dan Glickman at ShoWest 2006: "[I]t wouldn't be an MPAA speech if I didn't talk about piracy. ..."

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